Login Error
Hello Admin I m new to Smart API
Not able to login Error is " YOUR USER ID OR PASSWORD IS INVALID " what should I do please reply me -
HI @rawoof84 new migration request has been put on hold for 8 to 10 days kindly fill below form to migrate to account: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdgpCiDhSBa_bsKsec002e9unbeQkipOLFAKW7DzPvmiowsaw/viewform
please migret my account A556691 -
Hi @v42872 new migration request has been put on hold for 8 to 10 days kindly fill below form to migrate to account: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdgpCiDhSBa_bsKsec002e9unbeQkipOLFAKW7DzPvmiowsaw/viewform
Plese marge my account my angel id v42872
i submitted form please the my account status
A556691 -
HI @rawoof84 new request has been put on old you need to fill below form to submit your details we will migrate your account once we resume our migration activity:
https://docs.google.com/forms/u/1/d/e/1FAIpQLSdgpCiDhSBa_bsKsec002e9unbeQkipOLFAKW7DzPvmiowsaw/viewform -
please migret my account A556691
HI @arjunchopda83 new request has been put on old you need to fill below form to submit your details we will migrate your account once we resume our migration activity:
https://docs.google.com/forms/u/1/d/e/1FAIpQLSdgpCiDhSBa_bsKsec002e9unbeQkipOLFAKW7DzPvmiowsaw/viewform -
Please migret my account . JAUA1027
@admin Hello I filled the form.
Hi @Bhasker new request has been put on old you need to fill below form to submit your details we will migrate your account once we resume our migration activity
https://docs.google.com/forms/u/1/d/e/1FAIpQLSdgpCiDhSBa_bsKsec002e9unbeQkipOLFAKW7DzPvmiowsaw/viewform -
HI @robinkumar new request has been put on old you need to fill below form to submit your details we will migrate your account once we resume our migration activity
https://docs.google.com/forms/u/1/d/e/1FAIpQLSdgpCiDhSBa_bsKsec002e9unbeQkipOLFAKW7DzPvmiowsaw/viewform -
My Client id is R457955. I am getting Login Id or password is invalid AB1007 error while using https://apiconnect.angelbroking.com/rest/auth/angelbroking/user/v1/loginByPassword api. Please do the needful
@admin Hi, I just registered for the API yesterday. I did not do any migration. Can you please tell me what it is ? Thanks.
Hi I am also facing the same issue. My client ID is S202871
Sensibull app, angel spark app and streak app
Hi @Bhasker Have you migrated your account..?
@admin Hi I am also facing the same issue. My client ID is AOC16
- topic:timeago_earlier,about a month
HI @Ganesh_Karki Post your client id here.