How to determine the Withdrawable Cash from RMS data
The getRMS() api returns below data but it is not very clear how to determine the Withdrawable balance from it. @admin could you please share this info.{"utilisedexposure":"0","availableintradaypayin":"54","utiliseddebits":"12554.549999999999272","utilisedholdingsales":"0","utilisedturnover":"0","utilisedpayout":"0","m2munrealized":"0","m2mrealized":"0","availablecash":"18116.811999999998079","availablelimitmargin":"-1053.75","utilisedoptionpremium":"0","net":"18116.811999999998079","collateral":"31546.331999999998516","utilisedspan":"0"}
@admin Thanks for making note of this, but till the time it is done, can you please suggest me how to I derive these 2 data items for using in my calculation
HI @pashriva We have noted your feedback.
@admin Sorry but contacting normal customer care did not really solve my query.
My query is very simple, the "availalbe cash" retured by RMS contains the withdrawable balance + Unsettled balance. These 2 data items are missing in the RMS.
Can these two be added in the RMS response?
- topic:timeago_earlier,2 months
HI @pashriva We can help you with any technical related issue to smartapi you need to connect with rms team to solve this query.
Thanks @admin,
Can you please help me with a pointer in the documentation as to where I can find the meaning of all these individual items returned by the getRMS() API?For example where in the Java doc is the meaning of the collateral or utilisedspan.
I am not sure if the normal customer care will be able to tell exactly how to calculate the withdrawable balance from the items returned by getRMS(). Not sure if they will have access to all this documentation etc.
HI @pashriva Please connect with normal customer care for all non technical queries.