getHolding() returns wrong data.
getHolding() always returns the below symbols. But I don't own it.
As I checked with Angel Broking/Angel Spark App, it is not showing.So the API is returning wrong data.
Please resolve this ASAP.CENTURYPLY-EQ
Hi @firosh
We have deployed a fix on 19th November 2022, this will help you to fetch holdings correctly. We want to thank you again for the feedback and bug reports you've submitted. Through them, we are able to improve your API trading experience. We are happy to share with you this new release resolves all of the pending issues pertaining to getHolding API. - topic:timeago_earlier,3 months
Re Opening the same issue again.
This is the 3rd time I am facing the same issue.getHolding() returns wrong data.
The GOODLUCK-EQ and PCJEWELLER-EQ stocks are not available in my holding, but the api returns the same. See the screenshot of my holding data from Website below. Also None of the available holdings are listing through getHolding().
Please resolve this issue ASAP since this is dealing with real money.
- topic:timeago_earlier,8 months
@admin This is resolved now
- topic:timeago_earlier,about a month
Hi @firosh Post your holding api() response and screenshot of holding from web based platform.