AG8004 while placing order
Hello, I am getting error code AG8004 Invalid API Key while placing order using angle broker API. Can you suggest why it is happening?
@vragency007 ok
@admin okay, I think there was mismatch in API key. Now Order got placed.
@vragency007 said in AG8004 while placing order:
@admin Please find below is response:
{"status":false,"message":"Invalid API Key","errorcode":"AG8004","data":null}
and below is request:
{"orderid":null,"variety":"NORMAL","tradingsymbol":"ACC-EQ","symboltoken":"22","transactiontype":"BUY","exchange":"NSE","ordertype":"MARKET","producttype":"INTRADAY","duration":"DAY","price":"0","squareoff":"0","stoploss":"0","quantity":"1","triggerprice":"0"}Have you cross checked your apikey..?
@admin Please find below is response:
{"status":false,"message":"Invalid API Key","errorcode":"AG8004","data":null}
and below is request:
Let me know if anything is required.
Hi @vragency007 please post the response here.