SmartAPI - PHP Client SDK getting only time feed

  • Hello, @admin ,@administrators . I have integrated php sdk and I am getting only time feed. Please help me to get market watch. Thankyou

    in the below I am putting my php code

    <script src="vendor/smartapi-php/angelbroking/src/socket.js"></script>


    require_once DIR . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    $smart_api = new \AngelBroking\SmartApi();
    $login = $smart_api ->GenerateSession("G287101","########");
    echo $login;
    //$token = $smart_api ->GenerateToken();

    $JSONOUT=json_decode($login, true);

    <script type="text/javascript">
    console.log('<?php echo $feedToken; ?>');
    var ws =new websocket('G287101', '<?php echo $feedToken; ?>');
    ws.connection().then(() => {
    ws.runScript("mcx_fo|230455", "mw");
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 6000)
    ws.on('tick', receiveTick);
    function receiveTick(data) {

    Output of the above code

    {"status":"success","http_code":200,"http_error":"","response_data":{"status":true,"message":"SUCCESS","errorcode":"","data":{"I am receiving the jwttoken, refershtoken and feedtoken"}

    please help

  • Hi @skylight

    Apologies for delayed response.
    We are currently supporting the JAVA, Javascript and python SDK as of now. Please consume the recent SDKs and let us know if the issue still occurs

    Thanks & Regards,
    SmartAPI team

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