Smartapi Historical data

  • Most of our strategies mostly depend on candle data . All technical analysis is based on historical candles. So candle data or historical data in live market is very very important for any trader .

    I am using live ltp to construct historical candles because as per admin they don't suggest Historical data provided by smartapi for live market.

    Also it is not good for back testing because it gives data for the month in which the instrument was not at all exist at that part of time or month

    Still we can use it in some experiments because something is better than nothing!!!!

  • @admin
    The data for that instrument was not at all there , so what data you gave for the current month nifty future for the month of May .

    June July August data correct for August month future'. But not May June July

    It is like telling history befor the person is born.

    Your justification may be right according to you . But it is not logical for me.

    Thank you

  • @Mnagesh said in Smartapi Historical data:

    Also it is not good for back testing because it gives data for the month in which the instrument was not at all exist at that part of time or month

    Hi @Mnagesh it is the most sought after feature for futures historical data. Using current month symbol token you can derive the information even for expired contracts to do the backtesting.

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