sell order not executed, received None
I faced issue while placing a sell order today. Below are the parameters I used, can you tell me what is the issue here?
11/10/2022 01:05:21 PM :: {'variety': 'NORMAL', 'tradingsymbol': 'DHANBANK-EQ', 'symboltoken': '11359', 'transactiontype': 'SELL', 'exchange': 'NSE', 'ordertype': 'LIMIT', 'producttype': 'INTRADAY', 'duration': 'DAY', 'price': '14.75', 'squareoff': '0', 'stoploss': '0', 'quantity': '200'}
File "/home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/smartapi/", line 290, in placeOrder
orderResponse= self._postRequest("", params)['data']['orderid']
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptableThanks
@admin , Please do care to acknowledge/reply queries.
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