smart web socket only returns Ticks message: [{'ak': 'nk', 'msg': 'hb', 'task': 'hb'}]
here is complete code thing its returning is
2023-01-17 13:23:30.214973 : Start task in the background {'task': 'hb', 'channel': '', 'token': '0857777383', 'user': 'P81994', 'acctid': 'P81994'} Ticks message: [{'ak': 'nk', 'msg': 'hb', 'task': 'hb'}] 2023-01-17 13:24:00.242836 : Start task in the background {'task': 'hb', 'channel': '', 'token': '0857777383', 'user': 'P81994', 'acctid': 'P81994'} Ticks message: [{'ak': 'nk', 'msg': 'hb', 'task': 'hb'}]
i am not even able to find out what exactly is wrong. there is no proper error response.
there is no solution available on web or across the forum. -
@dharm I dont think it has been resolved... Also the fact the entire python SDK community is quiet about it makes me feel like everyone gave up on this...
- topic:timeago_earlier,4 months
Can anyone please help with this . I am trying both socket 1.0 and 2.0 . The first one gives this message and the second one gives only print like :
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00'
In on pong function==> b'\x00' -
Hi , getting the same issue . Tried with both this old socket api and new socket 2.0 .Nothing works . No errors . Just this result . Any solution ?
- topic:timeago_earlier,18 days
@P81994 Did you solve the problem?
I'm a returning user to smartapi. Were you able to fix this issue? I'm doing some changes to my code after new updates in websocket but cant get any further