Delay In Historical Data API
Hi @admin
I am currently trying to work on a logic that requires getting the candleData of ONE_MINUTE time-frame of Futures (NFO) in real time(i.e to get the 09:15, 09:16, 09:17 candleStick data as soon as the minute is completed). The response should have OHLC Volume data. I have two question
- I would like to know what are all the options available to get the the required data every one minute.
- I already tried hitting the Historical Data API with currentDays from and to Time Stamp. For example, Lets assume that today is Feb 3, 2023 and I tried to hit the historical data api at 09:16 with the below request which will produce the response that will have one array element which holds 09:15 candledata.
{ "exchange": "NFO", "symboltoken": "48756", "interval": "ONE_MINUTE", "fromdate": "2023-02-03 09:15", "todate": "2023-02-03 09:15" }
Here, my second question is, when i hit the historical API every one minute ie 09:15:00. 09:16:00 and 09:17:00 .... so on, I am not getting the latest candle data in the response, it takes atleast ~5 seconds after a minute is completed to get the latest candledata in historical api. i.e I get the desired result at 09:15:05, 09:16:04 and 09:17:05 etc.... So , is there any way to reduce this 5sec gap in fetching the desired result or is there any other API that i can use instead of historical data API to get the candlestick data of one minute timeframe without any delay.
Thanks for replying.Unfortunately, the websocket streaming method doesn't provide the option to request data based on specific time frames, such as ONE_MINUTE or FIVE_MINUTE. To obtain OHLC data like what's available from the Historical API, manual collection and calculation of data from websocket streaming would be required. This can be a time-consuming process and may result in some delay, even if processing time is only in the range of milliseconds to seconds, It will have a huge impact during high volatility market days.
Also, I use Java and my bad i couldnt help you with ur python issue. 😢
@laskshmi, I believe the 5 seconds delay is inherent and AFAIK also mentioned somewhere in the API documentation as well.
As far as I am aware, brokers generally have 2 servers, one for real time quote and other for historical data.
To tackle your problem, the solution seems to be websocket streaming.
So far I have been un-able to resolve my SMARTAPI code with websocket streaming but I believe that is the solution for quick candle update.
The Python SDK documentation is in-adequate to help members demonstrate websocket usage!