Getting Error while calling getLTP
Getting error while calling getLTP
passing input
String exchange = "BSE";
String tradingSymbol = "SBIN-EQ";Tried with some other options like trading symbol as "SBIN" with exchange as "NSE" as well as "BSE"
Non of the combinations worked. below is the stack trace
SmartAPIException [message=Symbol Not Found, code=AB1009]
at com.angelbroking.smartapi.http.SmartAPIResponseHandler.dealWithException(
at com.angelbroking.smartapi.http.SmartAPIResponseHandler.handle(
at com.angelbroking.smartapi.http.SmartAPIRequestHandler.postRequest(
at com.angelbroking.smartapi.SmartConnect.getLTP(
at com.angelbroking.smartapi.sample.Examples.getLTP(
at FetchMarketPrice.main( -
@admin can you update on internal server error pls
@daytrader I am also getting 500- Internal Server Error since 9:45 AM.
@admin can you please check what's the issue.
@mdnafis8 This error seems local issue, okhttp3 jar seems to be missing in your workspace.
Please check.
I am getting error Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: okhttp3.logging.HttpLoggingInterceptor .
- topic:timeago_earlier,2 months
Hi @shekharchauhan , we have updated our SDK with token number feed.