Tick not working. Getting only tick data of morning

  • Hi @admin
    Tick not working. Getting only tick data of morning.
    {'subscription_mode': 3, 'exchange_type': 2, 'token': '49141', 'sequence_number': 58806, 'exchange_timestamp': 1680831079575, 'last_traded_price': 9025, 'subscription_mode_val': 'SNAP_QUOTE', 'last_traded_quantity': 50, 'average_traded_price': 9806, 'volume_trade_for_the_day': 35454350, 'total_buy_quantity': 119050.0, 'total_sell_quantity': 171450.0, 'open_price_of_the_day': 13825, 'high_price_of_the_day': 16440, 'low_price_of_the_day': 7040, 'closed_price': 13140, 'last_traded_timestamp': 1680775199, 'open_interest': 3410500, 'open_interest_change_percentage': 0, 'upper_circuit_limit': 41920, 'lower_circuit_limit': 5, '52_week_high_price': 79885, '52_week_low_price': 0, 'best_5_buy_data': [{'flag': 0, 'quantity': 50, 'price': 8265, 'no of orders': 1}, {'flag': 0, 'quantity': 600, 'price': 8320, 'no of orders': 1}, {'flag': 0, 'quantity': 1950, 'price': 8350, 'no of orders': 2}, {'flag': 0, 'quantity': 100, 'price': 8390, 'no of orders': 1}, {'flag': 0, 'quantity': 550, 'price': 8400, 'no of orders': 4}], 'best_5_sell_data': [{'flag': 1, 'quantity': 700, 'price': 8100, 'no of orders': 9}, {'flag': 1, 'quantity': 50, 'price': 8055, 'no of orders': 1}, {'flag': 1, 'quantity': 50, 'price': 8050, 'no of orders': 1}, {'flag': 1, 'quantity': 2500, 'price': 8005, 'no of orders': 2}, {'flag': 1, 'quantity': 12900, 'price': 8000, 'no of orders': 62}]}

  • Hi @Moderator_2

    I am also facing same problem. Is tick only gets updated during market hours.

    Could you please confirm behaviour during Market time and during off Time

  • Hi @vishant,

    Apologies for delayed response.
    Kindly let us know if the request initiated during market hours.
    If the problem still occurs, Please share us the API request params, headers along with error log if you have any.

    Thanks & Regards,
    SmartAPI team

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