No data received for last 15 min candle
for historic API I am not getting last 15 minute candle for any stock. Below is an example.
"exchange": "NSE",
"symboltoken": "3045",
"interval": "FIFTEEN_MINUTE",
"fromdate": "2021-04-06 15:16",
"todate": "2021-04-06 15:31"
{'status': True, 'message': 'SUCCESS', 'errorcode': '', 'data': ''} -
hi @dipeshbodas we will be updating our historical data format you can check it after market hours.
- topic:timeago_earlier,7 days
Hi @dipeshbodas our team is working on it we will keep you updated.
1 more issue observed just now.
trying to get candle for 7th April 9 00 to 9 15 AM. Till yesterday api was returning no data which is correct because market opens at 9 15. But today it returned data for 9 15 AM to 9 30 AM. strange. open close high low values match with 915 to 9 30 candlerequest code :
"exchange": "NSE",
"symboltoken": "547",
"interval": "FIFTEEN_MINUTE",
"fromdate": "2021-04-07 09:00",
"todate": "2021-04-07 09:15"
}response :
{'status': True, 'message': 'SUCCESS', 'errorcode': '', 'data': '2021-04-07T09:15:00+05:30,3732.00,3748.85,3711.55,3745.10,30953'} -
Hi @dipeshbodas let us check and revert you back on this.
facing issue again. This time received data but the data in response is of previous candle. i.e I wish the receive candle for 3.15PM to 3.30PM but response contains data of 3PM to 3 15 PM candlehistoricParam={
"exchange": "NSE",
"symboltoken": "547",
"interval": "FIFTEEN_MINUTE",
"fromdate": "2021-04-07 15:15",
"todate": "2021-04-07 15:30"
{'status': True, 'message': 'SUCCESS', 'errorcode': '', 'data': '2021-04-07T15:15:00+05:30,3808.00,3808.40,3793.75,3795.00,73954'} -
Thanks for the discussion. got the issue. consider it closed.
Hi @dipeshbodas please go through below piece of input parameters.
"interval": "FIFTEEN_MINUTE",
"fromdate":"2021-04-05 15:15",
"todate":"2021-04-05 15:30"
"status": true,
"message": "SUCCESS",
"errorcode": "",
"data": "2021-04-05T15:15:00+05:30,353.40,354.40,352.85,353.55,3961957"
} -
data": "2021-04-07T09:30:00+05:30,1550.95,1552.50,1536.20,1541.50,185345\n2021-04-07T09:45:00+05:30,1541.55,1542.95,1534.45,1536.45,64194"this response is not for 3 15 PM to 3 30 PM. Kindly check my code once more. I said it is working for all other timeframes except 3 15 PM to 3 30 PM
client ID d43726
Hi @dipeshbodas provide us with your client id our team will connect you to further assist you.
Hi @dipeshbodas
"status": true,
"message": "SUCCESS",
"errorcode": "",
"data": "2021-04-07T09:30:00+05:30,1550.95,1552.50,1536.20,1541.50,185345\n2021-04-07T09:45:00+05:30,1541.55,1542.95,1534.45,1536.45,64194"
} -
this code is returning value at your end and is not returning any value at my end. Is that what you want to say? If yes its not possible that same code works correctly for one timeframe and does not work for other timeframe at my end but working fine at yours!! Please paste response for above code from your end. -
Hi @dipeshbodas It is working fine from our end.
This code is from your api documentation and is working fine for rest of market hours. Just not working for last 15 minutes frame. -
Hi @dipeshbodas historical data API is working fine from our end.We will review your code and update you on this.