AG8004 (Invalid API Key) - Order Feed
@admin Getting AG8004 (Invalid API Key) error when connecting to the following for order feed:
"wss:// mFtZSXgi164MCGG3u5RKXaBGVBabmxQTVRAAVE5tDTvWauVU0VSIiwiaWF0IjoxNjE2Mzk0NDA2LCJleH AiOjE3MDI3OTQ0MDZ9.qPk2CRSXgi164MCGG3u5RKXaBGVBabmxQTVRAAVE5qK03QLFz9WbqIBgG u_x9vB4g_p7zPXK3MLn1k0izLEtiw&&clientcode=A12345&&apikey=api_key"
I am using the same API key that I use to login. Please help ASAP!
@admin I am also getting invalid api key even if we create new api and try it. my client id is N313974. Can you please do the needful?
- about a year earlier
Facing the same issue. Client id: S198204. Please help ASAP
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@admin Any update?
Hi @shubhie7 said in AG8004 (Invalid API Key) - Order Feed:
We will revert you back with the error code as discussed on the call.
@admin S231210
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Hi @shubhie7 post your client code here.