Bank nifty symbol
What is the bank nifty future symbol code to use in java ?
HI @kamlarpanchal We are not providing it currently.
@admin Any update to get index historial candle data?
- topic:timeago_earlier,9 days
@mihirk Can you please explain how were you able to get it done?
- topic:timeago_earlier,13 days
Hi @Rajeshkannan You can go for the feasible solution which will work for you on immediate basis.
@Rajeshkannan I am able to get Bank nifty and nifty 50 through nse_cm|26000&nse_cm|26009. Did you try using same ?
@A191578 @admin Yes, We are waiting long back. Always telling that , we will update you soon...But seems there is no progress....Let us know that clearly....Nifty future will be available or not? yes means. When it will be available? Don't give generic answer like "We will update" or "Its in progress"....Because we don't want to spend time for half strategy here and half strategy in streak or tradetron....
- topic:timeago_earlier,11 days
@admin Even I am interested in the data. If it will not be supported in the near future, I would better like to spend my efforts on other brokers.
HI @Rajeshkannan we are evaluating options for providing indexes data. we will update you once we do it.
@admin Can I get any response ?
- topic:timeago_earlier,7 days
@admin Seems index data not available from long days...Any approximate time frame ? .Just waiting for this, else planned to move Tradetron or algomojo..Thats why asking....
Hi @Rajeshkannan we would update you once we make it availible.
@admin Any update on this?
- topic:timeago_earlier,13 days
Hi @Rajeshkannan we have considered it as one of the product enhancement feature and we would update you once we make it availible.
@admin Any approximate time frame ? when it will be available ?
hi @Rajeshkannan Indexes data is not available.We will update you once we make it available.
Hi @Rajeshkannan below is the document mentioned for your reference to get symbol tokens