Python script in EC2 in AWS not working 'ak':'nk'
Hi i am trying to conenct web socket through AWS but not working
I am getting below msg and nothing else after that
Ticks: [{'ak': 'nk', 'msg': 'mw', 'task': 'mw'}] -
Hello SmartAPI team,
I am also facing same issue. My implementation language is java.Below are the logs,
ticker data: [{"msg":"hb","task":"hb","ak":"nk"}]
ticker data: [{"msg":"hb","task":"hb","ak":"nk"}]
ticker data: [{"msg":"hb","task":"hb","ak":"nk"}]Kindly update on the issue.
- topic:timeago_earlier,2 years
hi @akshayavivek06 our team is internally working on web socket code we will soon update it in the sdk.
Hi @akshayavivek06 can you post your piece of code here.
@admin my program refreshes feed token each time its run.. i ran the program again still same issue
Hi @akshayavivek06 please regenerate your feed token and try again.