Hello getting this message today and not being able to use the interface.
{'message': 'Something Went Wrong, Please Try After Sometime',
'errorcode': 'AB1004',
'status': False,
'data': None}What does this mean?
{"message":"Something Went Wrong, Please Try After Sometime","errorcode":"AB1004","status":false,"data":null}
while gentrating refresh token how to fix ??? - topic:timeago_earlier,19 days
@admin @Moderator_1 @Moderator_2 @Moderator_3 can you please look into this?
I am also facing this issue.
I just started using the Python SDK and this is the first thing I am getting. - topic:timeago_earlier,7 months
I am facing this issue while executing smart_api.generateSession (js library)
Hi @admin ,
I am getting this since since today. It's been working fine till today evening.
data = {"message":"Something Went Wrong, Please Try After Sometime","errorcode":"AB1004","status":false,"data":null}
- topic:timeago_earlier,6 months
- topic:timeago_earlier,10 months
I am also getting this message -
"message": "Something Went Wrong, Please Try After Sometime",
"errorcode": "AB1004",
"status": false,
"data": null
}Is it resolved for the original poster ?
- topic:timeago_earlier,about a year
This post is deleted! -
Hi @SmartAPI_Angel said in ERROR AB1004:
Above client id is migrated. -
Hi@SmartAPI_Angel said in ERROR AB1004:
You need to post your code req and response snip here. -
My Client ID : S736922
Hi @SmartAPI_Angel @Elliot can you post your Client ids here.
Thanks for the reply. Does this needs migrating to new platform or something ?or Enabling My user Access types for New platform/Smart API user access ?
Please let me know and do the needful.
Thanks -
HI @SmartAPI_Angel we have noticed your issue we will revert you back after we coordinate with our team.
@SmartAPI_Angel said in ERROR AB1004:
Hi Admin,
Can you please let me know How to resolve this error, Even I am getting same error for My user.--
ThanksHi @admin
I am new user registered with Angel few days back. I want to start trading using Smart API.
I am able to login to the Smart APi & able to get Market Watch updates.
But on submitting order receiving below error :
So please suggest How to resolve
31-May-2021 15:25:38 -- {"status":false,"message":"Something went wrong. Please try after sometime","errorcode":"AB1004","data":null}--
Thanks -
Hi Admin,
Can you please let me know How to resolve this error, Even I am getting same error for My user.--
Thanks - topic:timeago_earlier,7 days
Hi @Elliot Have you migrated your account.