Live market feed auto disconnect | Java SDK
Re: Live market feed
Every time I connect for live market data feed. The ticker disconnects automatically within 10 mins. Any fix for this ?
HI @vvbchandrasekhar We have noted this will update you soon.
@admin Please let me also know the root cause and when this is fixed. The feed stopped around 13:07 today and ran fine from 9:18 onwards on 2021-07-19.
Did anyone try to restart or resubscribe?
- topic:timeago_earlier,2 months
Hi @theVishal Our team is working on this.
Hello admin,
Even I am facing the same issue. The ticker automatically disconnects after sometime.
Dear @ROHITA Our team is working on this
@admin Any suggestions on this please ? I am still seeing the same behavior.
HI @ROHITA we will get back to you on this soon.
I call the subscribe method for SmartTickerApi with parameters:
Script - "nse_fo|124303&nse_fo|124307&nse_fo|124306&nse_fo|124302&nse_fo|124310&nse_fo|124299"
task - "mw"
I started getting ticks on 2021-05-28 10:07:34. But then got a disconnect message on 2021-05-28 10:09:20
Hi @ROHITA post your request and response here.