Error info: Connection to remote host was lost. Connection to remote host was lost.

  • websocket disconnected after some time.

    for egs

    {'ap': '34984.60', 'bp': '35135.05', 'bq': '75', 'bs': '100', 'c': '34929.35', 'cng': '212.55', 'e': 'nse_fo', 'lo': '34830.00', 'ltp': '35141.90', 'ltq': '25', 'ltt': '10/06/2021 13:19:58', 'name': 'sf', 'nc': '00.6085', 'sp': '35141.95', 'tbq': '149400', 'tk': '48506', 'to': '60974659340.00', 'tsq': '108200', 'v': '1742900'}
    Error info: Connection to remote host was lost.
    Connection to remote host was lost.

    please check the issues in the server side.

  • HI @nahas_n We have reported this to our team.We will update you.

  • @admin the problem still exists. i have log . i have took the count how many time it got disconnected . which is 42 time. please fix the problem as soon as possible.

  • from smartapi import SmartWebSocket
    import pickle
    from smartapi import SmartConnect
    from time import sleep
    from datetime import datetime as dt
    def get_feedtoken ():
        file = f'cache/ft_{"%d_%m_%Y")}.cache'
        token = pickle.load(open(file , 'rb') )
        return [( k , v ) for k, v in token.items() ][0]
    def on_message(ws, message):
        global count , token , ts
            # print(message)
            for msg in message:
                ts['timestamp'] = msg['tvalue'] if 'tvalue' in msg.keys() else ts['timestamp']
                msg['ltt'] = ts['timestamp'] if 'ltt' in msg.keys() and msg['ltt']=='NA' else msg['ltt']
                if not 'tvalue' in msg.keys():
        except Exception as e:
    def on_open(ws):
        global task , token
        print("on open")
    def on_error(ws, error):
    def on_close(ws):
    CLIENT_CODE ,FEED_TOKEN   = get_feedtoken ()
    task="mw"   # mw|sfi|dp
    ts = {'timestamp' : None }
    ss = SmartWebSocket(FEED_TOKEN, CLIENT_CODE)
    ss._on_open = on_open
    ss._on_message = on_message
    ss._on_error = on_error
    ss._on_close = on_close
    while True:

    some guys are dm me about to code. for handling about such scenario. this egs works fine. u need to reconnect again when it disconnected. no other options

  • HI @anuragbaheti Ok noted.

  • @admin version 1.2.8 of smartapi-python


  • hi @anuragbaheti which version of sdk you are using.

  • Dear @abhijith We are aware of this we will update once it get fixed.

  • @admin

    Facing the same issue.

    Additionally also receiving heartbeat failed error.

  • This post is deleted!

  • Hi @s4ntosh We reported this to our team we will update you on this.

  • This post is deleted!

  • @admin Min of 2, max I have tried is 3 scrips.

  • @admin any update on this?

  • @vip trying doing pip install smartapi-python --force-reinstall and run again.

  • @admin also

    Heartbeat sending failed.


  • @admin Getting error today as well.

    2021-06-16 13:18:27.514597 : Start task in the background
    {'task': 'hb', 'channel': '', 'token': '', 'user': 'V232487', 'acctid': 'V232487'}
    Error info: Connection to remote host was lost.
    Connection to remote host was lost.
    2021-06-16 13:18:57.519762 : Start task in the background
    {'task': 'hb', 'channel': '', 'token': '', 'user': 'V232487', 'acctid': 'V232487'}
    HeartBeat Sending Failed
    2021-06-16 13:19:27.524737 : Start task in the background
    {'task': 'hb', 'channel': '', 'token': '', 'user': 'V232487', 'acctid': 'V232487'}
    HeartBeat Sending Failed
    2021-06-16 13:19:57.530171 : Start task in the background
    {'task': 'hb', 'channel': '', 'token': '', 'user': 'V232487', 'acctid': 'V232487'}
    HeartBeat Sending Failed
    2021-06-16 13:20:27.535489 : Start task in the background
    {'task': 'hb', 'channel': '', 'token': '', 'user': 'V232487', 'acctid': 'V232487'}
    HeartBeat Sending Failed
    2021-06-16 13:20:57.541105 : Start task in the background
    {'task': 'hb', 'channel': '', 'token': '', 'user': 'V232487', 'acctid': 'V232487'}
    HeartBeat Sending Failed

  • @admin same is happening with me.
    I am getting more 3 errors:

    [WinError 10053] An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine
    [WinError 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
    [SSL: SSLV3_ALERT_BAD_RECORD_MAC] sslv3 alert bad record mac (_ssl.c:2633)

    I am passing around 12 to 15 scripts.


  • HI @s4ntosh How many scripts you are passing.

  • @admin Screenshot_10.jpg

    This has happened today at 12:24 again, this time with a different error code