Read Timed out
Getting Read Timed out frequently
requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=7)
HI @ameyakhot We seem to be having some intermittent technical issues with Login, Order book etc across all Angel Trading Platforms (ABMA/WEB TERMINAL/SMARTAPI). We're working on fixing this as soon as possible and will update you once this is resolved. We regret any inconvenience caused.
@admin Hello Admin, getting the same error while generating a session to interact with the API. Screenshot (169).png
Please let me know how to fix this.
- topic:timeago_earlier,about a month
Hi @Thiyaneswaran We have note your issue we will test it and update you also to update you our team is working on websocket.
@admin I am using python SDK ltpData() to get ltp even it in under your rate limit. i am getting data at starting then after few hours i am getting read timed out. My network connection is stable i am using other brokerage api also for me with them i am getting proper data.
Same happened with me when using get ltp method in a loop.
Websocket is throwing connection to remote host error so started using get ltp method but even this fails if you are using continuously.Force reinstalled the smart api library still no luck.
@admin any ETA to fix this?
Hi @Thiyaneswaran As we tested it from our end we did not find any of such error kindly check your connection.
@admin I am using python SDK getting read timed out error the above is the error i got. Please let me know what information do you need?
HI @Thiyaneswaran Above information is not sufficient to analyze the issue.