Failed to get symbol details while calling getLtpData api end point

  • @admin This is the stock details in instrument json file.

    "token": "8552",
    "symbol": "BLUECOAST-BE",
    "name": "BLUECOAST",
    "expiry": "",
    "strike": "-1.000000",
    "lotsize": "1",
    "instrumenttype": "",
    "exch_seg": "NSE",
    "tick_size": "5.000000"

    when I tried to get the ltp data for this stock...


    Gives response as

    "message": "Failed to get symbol details",
    "errorcode": "AB1018",
    "status": false,
    "data": null

    And I'm not getting 403 error code means I'm not exceeding the rate limit.

    could you please explain the reason why it is happening ?

  • HI @Sourav You can always go for EQ series first.

  • @admin Hi..But if this BLUECOAST-BE is not available then why it is mentioned in instrument json file. And If it will be mentioned there then how we will know that particular stock is not available.

  • Hi @Sourav "symbol": "BLUECOAST-BE" currently its not availiable you can try "symbol": "BLUECOAST-EQ",

  • HI @Sourav We tested it from our end we will report this to the team and update you.