Websocket - How many stocks we can subscribe at a time?
Just wanted to know, how many stocks we can listen to at a given time on websocket?
As I was trying to get data for more than 200 instruments and it started printing as below.
ticker data: [{"tvalue":"31/12/2020 14:08:52","name":"tm"}]
@Harman08 , You can refer to libs shared by angel on git repository.
@bhavesh78patil Please help me in development.I am not a developer but still i am successful in getting login via api,i want to get live ticker data.
@rjbanna , Currently I am getting it for more than 50 scripts and it's working fine. But issue occurred when I tried for more than 200
@bhavesh78patil I don't think so you will get data for 200 stocks. Many people here suggested that they were able to receive data for 5 to 6 scrips even if they had subscribed to 50. @admin please tell us the exact figure.