Need ltt with silverm contract market feed
Need ltt with silverm contract market feed
getting multiple jsonarray as ticks, but ltt or tm tick with the same jsonaray is missing for mcx - silverm. please let me know if you can fix this - send ltt with each tick. for now, i will default to system time, but this can be dangerous.[{"tvalue":"27/08/2021 19:15:20","name":"tm"}]
[{"tvalue":"27/08/2021 19:15:21","name":"tm"}] -
@admin thanks. but, my question is around - why are commodity prices not being sent over the websocket? can you provide an ETA?
HI @vvbchandrasekhar there is no update on websocket.
Hi @admin is this fixed now? it has been a while now.
- topic:timeago_earlier,2 months
HI @vvbchandrasekhar We have reported this we will update you on this.
As you can notice below, the ticks for the commodities are ~20 mins apart. can you ensure ticks at the right intervals as how we get 26000 and 26009 ticks for nifty and bank nifty?
2021-09-10-20:55:58-GOLDMCOM 2021-09-10 20:55:58 46898.0 GOLDMCOM 117
2021-09-10-20:54:56-SILVERMCOM 2021-09-10 20:54:56 63806.0 SILVERMCOM 122
2021-09-10-20:54:53-CRUDEOILCOM 2021-09-10 20:54:53 5014.0 CRUDEOILCOM 294
2021-09-10-20:54:50-NATURALGASCOM 2021-09-10 20:54:50 371.4 NATURALGASCOM 401
2021-09-10-20:29:27-GOLDMCOM 2021-09-10 20:29:27 46898.0 GOLDMCOM 117
2021-09-10-20:28:25-SILVERMCOM 2021-09-10 20:28:25 63806.0 SILVERMCOM 122
2021-09-10-20:28:22-CRUDEOILCOM 2021-09-10 20:28:22 5014.0 CRUDEOILCOM 294
2021-09-10-20:28:19-NATURALGASCOM 2021-09-10 20:28:19 371.4 NATURALGASCOM 401
2021-09-10-20:02:59-GOLDMCOM 2021-09-10 20:02:59 46898.0 GOLDMCOM 117
2021-09-10-20:01:57-SILVERMCOM 2021-09-10 20:01:57 63806.0 SILVERMCOM 122
2021-09-10-20:01:54-CRUDEOILCOM 2021-09-10 20:01:54 5014.0 CRUDEOILCOM 294
2021-09-10-20:01:51-NATURALGASCOM 2021-09-10 20:01:51 371.4 NATURALGASCOM 401
2021-09-10-19:36:30-GOLDMCOM 2021-09-10 19:36:30 46898.0 GOLDMCOM 117
2021-09-10-19:35:30-SILVERMCOM 2021-09-10 19:35:30 63806.0 SILVERMCOM 122
2021-09-10-19:35:27-CRUDEOILCOM 2021-09-10 19:35:27 5014.0 CRUDEOILCOM 294
2021-09-10-19:35:24-NATURALGASCOM 2021-09-10 19:35:24 371.4 NATURALGASCOM 401
2021-09-10-19:10:07-GOLDMCOM 2021-09-10 19:10:07 46898.0 GOLDMCOM 117
2021-09-10-19:09:07-SILVERMCOM 2021-09-10 19:09:07 63806.0 SILVERMCOM 122
2021-09-10-19:09:04-CRUDEOILCOM 2021-09-10 19:09:04 5014.0 CRUDEOILCOM 294
2021-09-10-19:09:01-NATURALGASCOM 2021-09-10 19:09:01 371.4 NATURALGASCOM 401
2021-09-10-18:43:44-GOLDMCOM 2021-09-10 18:43:44 46898.0 GOLDMCOM 117
2021-09-10-18:42:45-SILVERMCOM 2021-09-10 18:42:45 63806.0 SILVERMCOM 122
2021-09-10-18:42:42-CRUDEOILCOM 2021-09-10 18:42:42 5014.0 CRUDEOILCOM 294
2021-09-10-18:42:39-NATURALGASCOM 2021-09-10 18:42:39 371.4 NATURALGASCOM 401
2021-09-09-15:34:36-BANKNIFTY 2021-09-09 15:34:36 36683.2 BANKNIFTY 26009 -
hi @admin is this noted? ticks are not coming for silverm. and can you ask your team to kindly check for mcx contracts like crudeoil, naturalgas and goldm?
- topic:timeago_earlier,8 days
HI @vvbchandrasekhar Our team has already been working on web socket we will update you once this is fixed.
@vvbchandrasekhar realized that even ticks for silver, 122 or 115 are not coming
will try to work around it. not high priority