Not able to connect to WebSocket
Hi @admin , I tried connecting to WS but getting below response:
"ak": "nk",
"task": "cn",
"msg": "cn"
Input Parameters:
WS url : wss://
Req : {"task":"cn","channel":"","token":"Generated Feed Token","user":"VIYV1028","acctid":"VIYV1028"}Am I doing anything wrong or WebSocket connections only allowed during market hours?
HI @jax248 Our team is working on web socket we will update you once we fix this.
@admin Hi..still getting same issue. I am using below JS code.
var ws =new websocket('VIYV1028', 'XXXXXXXX'); //connect to server ws.connection(); //add callback after socket connection ws.on('connect', connectionOpen); function connectionOpen(){ ws.runScript("nse_cm|2885", "mw"); // SCRIPT: exchange|token for multi stocks use & seperator, mcx_fo|222900 ### TASK: mw|sfi|dp } //add callback method where you can manipulate socket data ws.on('tick', receiveTick); //user defined function function receiveTick(data) { console.log(data); if (data.length == 0) { ws.close(); } }
@admin Thanks. Will check on Monday then.
HI @jax248 You will only get the data during market hours.
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