Not getting any Open Interest data in Web Socket in node js

  • @admin

    this is the response for SBIN28OCT21FUT from web_socket.runScript('nse_fo|51899', "mw")

    to: '7075538250.00',
    lo: '444.25',
    e: 'nse_fo',
    sp: '452.40',
    c : '454.10',
    ltp: '452.30',
    ltq: '1500',
    tk: '51899',
    bs: '1500',
    ltt: '01/10/2021 12:38:22',
    tsq: '1569000',
    v: '15675000',
    bp: '452.25',
    cng: '-01.80',
    bq: '1500',
    ap: '451.39',
    nc: '-00.3964',
    name: 'sf',
    tbq: '1249500'

    there is no high, no oi and so many other values. not even with "dp" task
    Is there any problem with API or it's just me doing something wrong here?

  • @admin client id: G187352

    But you guys have mentioned in documentation and that's why I register, What's the point mentioning in doc if you are not providing it.

  • Hi @akashdg Currently we don't provide those values. Kindly post your client id.