while placing order i am getting following error. I have passed jwtToken as authorization token which i got when user logged in.
"variety": "NORMAL",
"tradingsymbol": "ICIL-EQ",
"symboltoken": "521016",
"transactiontype": "BUY",
"exchange": "BSE",
"ordertype": "MARKET",
"producttype": "INTRADAY",
"duration": "DAY",
"price": "",
"squareoff": "",
"stoploss": "",
"quantity": 1
"success": false,
"message": "Invalid Token",
"errorCode": "AG8001",
"data": ""
} -
@admin my dev team have already tried to fix this issue but they didn't find any solution. That is why i asked for help. If you could provide someone from your end that would be great.
HI @irfanwashere You need to connect with your own Dev team to debug this issue as this is user specific issue.
@admin Please tell me how can I connect with dev team.
HI @irfanwashere You need to connect with the dev team to solve this issue as this is user specific issue we helped you with placing order using your account in live market everything seems to be working fine for your account id from our end.
@admin Hello, can you help me to fix the APIs issue in node.JS which I have mentioned above.
@admin Here is my client id: MAWI1050
Hi @irfanwashere said in while placing order i am getting following error. I have passed jwtToken as authorization token which i got when user logged in.:
Post your client id here