fetch banknifty index data
trading symbol and symboltoken of banknifty-index??????
@harish said in fetch banknifty index data:
@admin Can we fetch historic data for Nifty Banknifty indices? If its not available now any timeline we could expect it in.
No, Currently we dont provide this for spot.
@admin Can we fetch historic data for Nifty Banknifty indices? If its not available now any timeline we could expect it in.
ohlc= get_ohlc(name="BANKNIFTY25NOV21FUT", exchange="NFO")
I have used following functions:def __getScrips(self): if self.__SCRIPS == None: scripURL = 'https://margincalculator.angelbroking.com/OpenAPI_File/files/OpenAPIScripMaster.json' self.__SCRIPS = pd.read_json(scripURL) return self.__SCRIPS def getTokenFromSymbol(self, symbol): scrips = self.__getScrips() return scrips[scrips['symbol']==symbol].iloc[-1]['token'] def getSymbolFromToken(self, token): scrips = self.__getScrips() return scrips[scrips['token']==token].iloc[-1]['symbol']
p.s: Newbie to this SDK
@admin This is a 16MB File to refer anybody full of text/ Search a needle in haystack
Hi @panda1234 Please refer below link:
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