AB1004, Message: Something Went Wrong,
Account number: P139064
Internal server error.. Angel error code: AB1004, Message: Something Went Wrong, Please Try After Sometime
We are getting these errors more often these days, kindly check.
@admin Can you please help us with this ?
Hello @admin
we are facing the same issue since past 4-5 days: AB1004
Something went wrong. Please try again after sometime.Can you please help us fix the issue or at least give us some idea on what is going wrong as the error message is very generic.
Issue is not yet resolved I am getting same error since morning.
Please check and inform once fixed.{"message":"Something Went Wrong, Please Try After Sometime","errorcode":"AB1004","status":false,"data":null}
Any idea, how long it will take to resolve??? Clients chasing us....please provide an update.
@StocksDeveloper Thank you for sharing the details. We are facing intermittent technical issues across all Angel platforms including SmartAPI. We are working to resolve the issue. We regret the inconvenience caused and will share an update as soon as this is resolved.
@StocksDeveloper B104805 another account... please check... many users reporting intermittent errors