IMP - Wrong Holding Details

  • @admin
    I have sold few stocks still they are visible in SMARTAPI holding data.

    At the same time, I have brought stocks NAUKRI (Info Edge) and Intellect Design etc. are not reflecting in holding data.

    In web view entire data is correct. Correction need to made in SMARTAPI.

    Details along with SS:

    below are positions
    [{'symboltoken': '91415', 'symbolname': 'EXIDEIND', 'instrumenttype': 'OPTSTK', 'priceden': '1.00', 'pricenum': '1.00', 'genden': '1.00', 'gennum': '1.00', 'precision': '2', 'multiplier': '-1', 'boardlotsize': '1', 'exchange': 'NFO', 'producttype': 'CARRYFORWARD', 'tradingsymbol': 'EXIDEIND26MAY22160CE', 'symbolgroup': 'XX', 'strikeprice': '160.0', 'optiontype': 'CE', 'expirydate': '26MAY2022', 'lotsize': '3600', 'cfbuyqty': '3600', 'cfsellqty': '0', 'cfbuyamount': '22177.44', 'cfsellamount': '0.00', 'buyavgprice': '0.00', 'sellavgprice': '0.00', 'avgnetprice': '0.00', 'netvalue': '-22177.44', 'netqty': '3600', 'totalbuyvalue': '22177.44', 'totalsellvalue': '0.00', 'cfbuyavgprice': '6.16', 'cfsellavgprice': '0.00', 'totalbuyavgprice': '6.16', 'totalsellavgprice': '0.00', 'netprice': '6.16', 'buyqty': '0', 'sellqty': '0', 'buyamount': '0.00', 'sellamount': '0.00', 'pnl': '-18936.00', 'realised': '-0.00', 'unrealised': '-18936.00', 'ltp': '0.9', 'close': '1.1'}, {'symboltoken': '2181', 'symbolname': 'BOSCHLTD', 'instrumenttype': '', 'priceden': '1.00', 'pricenum': '1.00', 'genden': '1.00', 'gennum': '1.00', 'precision': '2', 'multiplier': '-1', 'boardlotsize': '1', 'exchange': 'NSE', 'producttype': 'DELIVERY', 'tradingsymbol': 'BOSCHLTD-EQ', 'symbolgroup': 'EQ', 'strikeprice': '-1', 'optiontype': '', 'expirydate': '', 'lotsize': '1', 'cfbuyqty': '0', 'cfsellqty': '0', 'cfbuyamount': '0.00', 'cfsellamount': '0.00', 'buyavgprice': '0.00', 'sellavgprice': '13609.80', 'avgnetprice': '13609.80', 'netvalue': '13609.80', 'netqty': '-1', 'totalbuyvalue': '0.00', 'totalsellvalue': '13609.80', 'cfbuyavgprice': '0.00', 'cfsellavgprice': '0.00', 'totalbuyavgprice': '0.00', 'totalsellavgprice': '13609.80', 'netprice': '13609.80', 'buyqty': '0', 'sellqty': '1', 'buyamount': '0.00', 'sellamount': '13609.80', 'pnl': '59.80', 'realised': '0.00', 'unrealised': '59.80', 'ltp': '13550.0', 'close': '13848.95'}, {'symboltoken': '71301', 'symbolname': 'AXISBANK', 'instrumenttype': 'OPTSTK', 'priceden': '1.00', 'pricenum': '1.00', 'genden': '1.00', 'gennum': '1.00', 'precision': '2', 'multiplier': '-1', 'boardlotsize': '1', 'exchange': 'NFO', 'producttype': 'CARRYFORWARD', 'tradingsymbol': 'AXISBANK26MAY22700CE', 'symbolgroup': 'XX', 'strikeprice': '700.0', 'optiontype': 'CE', 'expirydate': '26MAY2022', 'lotsize': '1200', 'cfbuyqty': '0', 'cfsellqty': '0', 'cfbuyamount': '0.00', 'cfsellamount': '0.00', 'buyavgprice': '6.30', 'sellavgprice': '0.00', 'avgnetprice': '6.30', 'netvalue': '-7560.00', 'netqty': '1200', 'totalbuyvalue': '7560.00', 'totalsellvalue': '0.00', 'cfbuyavgprice': '0.00', 'cfsellavgprice': '0.00', 'totalbuyavgprice': '6.30', 'totalsellavgprice': '0.00', 'netprice': '6.30', 'buyqty': '1200', 'sellqty': '0', 'buyamount': '7560.00', 'sellamount': '0.00', 'pnl': '720.00', 'realised': '-0.00', 'unrealised': '720.00', 'ltp': '6.9', 'close': '10.9'}]
    below are holdings
    [{'tradingsymbol': 'ACC-EQ', 'exchange': 'NSE', 'isin': 'INE012A01025', 't1quantity': 0, 'realisedquantity': 2, 'quantity': 2, 'authorisedquantity': 0, 'profitandloss': 0.0, 'product': 'DELIVERY', 'collateralquantity': None, 'collateraltype': None, 'haircut': 0.0, 'averageprice': 2063.1459, 'ltp': 2210.0, 'symboltoken': '22', 'close': 2245.45}, {'tradingsymbol': 'HINDPETRO-EQ', 'exchange': 'NSE', 'isin': 'INE094A01015', 't1quantity': 29, 'realisedquantity': 0, 'quantity': 29, 'authorisedquantity': 0, 'profitandloss': 0.0, 'product': 'DELIVERY', 'collateralquantity': None, 'collateraltype': None, 'haircut': 0.0, 'averageprice': 270.4575, 'ltp': 262.55, 'symboltoken': '1406', 'close': 268.7}, {'tradingsymbol': 'BOSCHLTD-EQ', 'exchange': 'NSE', 'isin': 'INE323A01026', 't1quantity': 0, 'realisedquantity': 1, 'quantity': 1, 'authorisedquantity': 0, 'profitandloss': 0.0, 'product': 'DELIVERY', 'collateralquantity': None, 'collateraltype': None, 'haircut': 0.0, 'averageprice': 14469.3525, 'ltp': 13525.55, 'symboltoken': '2181', 'close': 13848.949999999999}, {'tradingsymbol': 'GUJGASLTD-EQ', 'exchange': 'NSE', 'isin': 'INE844O01030', 't1quantity': 14, 'realisedquantity': 0, 'quantity': 14, 'authorisedquantity': 0, 'profitandloss': 0.0, 'product': 'DELIVERY', 'collateralquantity': None, 'collateraltype': None, 'haircut': 0.0, 'averageprice': 490.3575, 'ltp': 510.4, 'symboltoken': '10599', 'close': 515.9}]

    position.png holdings.png

  • @idnpokerslot


  • @admin Thank you. Issue resolved. Now all details are reflecting.