Unable to recieve to tick data

  • Always receiving this -

    Receive stock ticks:: [ { ak: 'nk', task: 'cn', msg: 'cn' } ]
    Receive stock ticks:: [ { ak: 'nk', task: 'mw', msg: 'mw' } ]

    I'm using my client_code, password, and Key.

    Below is the code, I've passed my client details (code below doesn't contain my details)


    let { SmartAPI, WebSocket } = require("smartapi-javascript");
    let smart_api = new SmartAPI({
        api_key: "KEY",    // PROVIDE YOUR API KEY HERE
    smart_api.generateSession("client_code", "PWD")
        .then((data) => {
            // console.log(data)
            return data;
        .then((data) => {
            let web_socket = new WebSocket({
                client_code: "client_code",
                feed_token: data.feedToken,
                script: "nse_cm|1594&nse_cm|10738&nse_cm|277&nse_cm|144&nse_cm|685"   //exchange|token for multi stocks use & seperator
            web_socket.on('tick', receiveTick)
            function receiveTick(d) {
                console.log("Receive stock ticks::", d)
        .catch(ex => {
            console.log("EX::", ex)
    function customSessionHook() {
        console.log("User loggedout");

  • @tushar I too faced this issue before, I was not passing proper feedToken, Please verify that feedToken which you are passing is valid.

  • @admin Please help.