Ta - Lib vs chart iq

  • @admin @SmartAPI @SmartAPI-Admin

    I am seeing difference in EMA value computed by Python script ( I am using Ta lib ) and What the chart display EMA value by ChrtIQ .

    Can any one tell the difference .
    why we get different values ?

    Is there a different formula used to compute EMA by various libraries and chart solution providers ?

    If any one knows the method used in Chat IQ to compute EMA ?

    My algo differ whay i saw in angel one mobile app to that of an whay i compute !!!

  • Hello @Mnagesh ,

    Apologies for the delayed response. Libraries have slight differences in their implementation of mathematical formulae because of which there is a difference in the output. Chart IQ and Ta lib both are external, hence we do not know the exact difference in their implementation.

    Thank you for being an active user on the forum and rising important queries.

    SmartAPI Team

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