Cannot connect more than one websocket connection
On the docs it says that a client ID can have 3 concurrent websocket connection. But I get an Error everytime I try to connect to for 2nd websocket connection.
Screenshot from Docs
Using the below code I try to connect to the websocket. Please do tell if I can have more than one connections because before a few weeks the same code worked to have more than one connection.
const express = require('express'); const WebSocket = require('ws'); require("dotenv").config(); const app = express(); const port = 3001; // WebSocket URL const url = 'ws://'; // Authentication headers const headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer '+process.env.jwtToken, 'x-api-key': 'Q906QkvT', 'x-client-code': 'P529774', 'x-feed-token': process.env.feedToken }; // Create a WebSocket instance const socket = new WebSocket(url, { headers }); // Map to store tokenID to tokenName mapping const tokenMapping = { '99926037':'NIFTY FINANCIAL SERVICES', }; const tokenIDArray = Object.keys(tokenMapping); // Store the received data in an array //let receivedData = []; // Handle WebSocket connection open socket.on('open', () => { //console.log('WebSocket connected'); // Send a subscription request const subscriptionRequest = { //correlationID: '', action: 1, params: { mode: 2, tokenList: [ { exchangeType: 1, tokens: ['99926037'], }, ], }, }; socket.send(JSON.stringify(subscriptionRequest)); }); // Store the latest data for each instrument const latestData = {}; // Handle received messages from the WebSocket socket.on('message', (message) => { const data = new Uint8Array(message); // Check if the message is a heartbeat response if (data.length === 4 && data[0] === 112 && data[1] === 111 && data[2] === 110 && data[3] === 103) { // Ignore heartbeat response return; } // Parse the received binary data based on the provided response contract // Extract the Last Traded Price (LTP) and Token ID from the received data const ltpBytes = data.slice(43, 47); const closePriceBytes = data.slice(115, 122); const tokenIDBytes = data.slice(2, 27); const ltpValue = ltpBytes.reduce((value, byte, index) => value + byte * Math.pow(256, index), 0); const closePrice = closePriceBytes.reduce((value, byte, index) => value + byte * Math.pow(256, index), 0); const ltp = ltpValue / 100; const yesterdayPrice = closePrice / 100; const priceChange = parseFloat((ltp-yesterdayPrice).toFixed(2)); const percentChange = parseFloat(((priceChange/ltp)*100).toFixed(2)); // const decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8'); const tokenID = new TextDecoder().decode(tokenIDBytes).replace(/\u0000/g, '');//To decode from Bytes and remove the null characters at the end of tokenID const tokenName = tokenMapping[tokenID]; // Create a JSON object with tokenID and ltp const jsonData = { tokenName: tokenName, ltp: ltp, yesterdayPrice:yesterdayPrice, change:priceChange, percentChange:percentChange, }; // Store the latest data for the instrument latestData[tokenID] = jsonData; //console.log(latestData) // Display the JSON object console.log(jsonData); }); // Handle WebSocket connection close socket.on('close', () => { console.log('WebSocket connection closed'); }); // Send heartbeat message every 30 seconds to keep the connection alive setInterval(() => { if (socket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { socket.send('ping'); } }, 29000); // Enable CORS app.use((req, res, next) => { res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'); res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept'); next(); }); // a GET endpoint to retrieve the latest data for all instruments app.get('/api/prices', (req, res) => { res.json(latestData); }); // a GET endpoint to retrieve the latest tokenMapping for the instruments app.get('/api/mappings', (req, res) => { res.json(tokenMapping); }); // Start the Express server app.listen(port, () => { console.log(`Server listening on port ${port}`); });
Thanks @Jeet-Pattani for the update.
@admin I got Error 429 while trying to create a 2nd connection. But it was resolved after I emailed this issue on
Hi @Jeet-Pattani Thank you for reaching out to us with the error you encountered while running the WebSocket. From the provided code snippet, it seems that you are using Node.js to create a WebSocket connection. However, without the specific details of the error you encountered, it's challenging to pinpoint the exact cause. To assist you better, could you please provide us with the specific error message or any related logs you received?