Must required fields are missing from Position Book API
There are few fields which are normally part of position book API of any broker are missing. Please consider those to be added.
LTP (This is the most important which is missing)
Unrealized Profit / Loss
Realised Profit / Loss -
@admin how to fetch day's profit & loss amount? if possible, pls share details with one example. Thanks.
- topic:timeago_earlier,5 months
@admin by when this MTM field in position API response would be available
Do you know any workaround through which MTM data or some other data can be used for SL.. in absence of that maintaining MTM per script at client side is a burden
- topic:timeago_earlier,4 months
@admin There is one other query related to positions book.
Normally we gets DAY and NET two different types of positions from positions API. In Angel's API we are getting only single response and not mentioned in document that it is DAY or NET. I hopw we are getting NET Positions,
Please confirm?
@raaxus Thank you for bringing this to our notice. We will get back to you.