New Real-Time Order Updates via WebSocket from

  • Introduction:
    We're pleased to announce the launch of a new WebSocket feature for real-time order updates from

    The previous order update system had issues and was non-operational for a while. We've made significant improvements to provide you with a reliable and enhanced experience.

    Connecting to the WebSocket:
    To connect to the WebSocket, clients need to use the following URL:


    In the WebSocket connection request, include the following Header key:

    Authorization: Bearer AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN

    Please note that there is a connection limit for each user. Each client code is limited to 3 connections.

    Initial Response:
    Upon successfully connecting to the WebSocket, you will receive an initial response in the following format:

        "user-id": "Your_client_code",
        "status-code": "200",
        "order-status": "AB00",
        "error-message": "",
        "orderData": {
            "variety": "",
            "ordertype": "",
            "ordertag": "",
            "producttype": "",
            "price": 0.0,
            "triggerprice": 0.0,
            "quantity": "0",
            "disclosedquantity": "0",
            "duration": "",
            "squareoff": 0.0,
            "stoploss": 0.0,
            "trailingstoploss": 0.0,
            "tradingsymbol": "",
            "transactiontype": "",
            "exchange": "",
            "symboltoken": "",
            "instrumenttype": "",
            "strikeprice": 0.0,
            "optiontype": "",
            "expirydate": "",
            "lotsize": "0",
            "cancelsize": "0",
            "averageprice": 0.0,
            "filledshares": "",
            "unfilledshares": "",
            "orderid": "",
            "text": "",
            "status": "",
            "orderstatus": "",
            "updatetime": "",
            "exchtime": "",
            "exchorderupdatetime": "",
            "fillid": "",
            "filltime": "",
            "parentorderid": ""

    The order-status field can have values like:

    after-successful connection: AB00
    open: AB01
    cancelled: AB02
    rejected: AB03
    modified: AB04
    complete: AB05
    after market order req received: AB06
    cancelled after market order: AB07
    modify after market order req received: AB08
    open pending: AB09
    trigger pending: AB10
    modify pending: AB11

    Error Codes:

    401 : If the AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN is invalid, you will receive a 401 Response Code.

    403 : If the AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN is expired, you will receive a 403 Response Code.

    429 : If you breach the connection limit, you will receive a 429 Response Code.

    Client Interaction:
    The client application should periodically send a ping message to the server and expect a pong message from the server every 10 seconds. This helps check the liveliness of the WebSocket connection.

    Sample Response:
    Here's an example of a response you might receive from the WebSocket:

        "user-id": "Your_client_code",
        "status-code": "200",
        "order-status": "AB03",
        "error-message": "",
        "orderData": {
            "variety": "NORMAL",
            "ordertype": "LIMIT",
            "ordertag": "10007712",
            "producttype": "DELIVERY",
            "price": 551.0,
            "triggerprice": 0.0,
            "quantity": "1",
            "disclosedquantity": "0",
            "duration": "DAY",
            "squareoff": 0.0,
            "stoploss": 0.0,
            "trailingstoploss": 0.0,
            "tradingsymbol": "SBIN-EQ",
            "transactiontype": "BUY",
            "exchange": "NSE",
            "symboltoken": "3045",
            "instrumenttype": "",
            "strikeprice": -1.0,
            "optiontype": "",
            "expirydate": "",
            "lotsize": "1",
            "cancelsize": "0",
            "averageprice": 0.0,
            "filledshares": "0",
            "unfilledshares": "1",
            "orderid": "111111111111111",
            "text": "Adapter is Logged Off",
            "status": "rejected",
            "orderstatus": "rejected",
            "updatetime": "25-Oct-2023 23:53:21",
            "exchtime": "",
            "exchorderupdatetime": "",
            "fillid": "",
            "filltime": "",
            "parentorderid": ""

    SDKs Coming Soon:
    We understand that simplicity and ease of integration are vital for our users. That's why we're excited to let you know that we are currently working on developing SDKs for Python, Java, and Node.js. These SDKs will make integrating with our WebSocket order updates even more straightforward.

    Stay tuned for updates on the release of these SDKs, and in the meantime, if you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team.

    The new WebSocket order updates from provide a powerful tool for traders and investors to receive real-time information about their orders and trading activity. We hope this information helps you get started with WebSocket order updates. Happy trading, and watch out for our upcoming SDK releases!

  • Hello @RM ,

    We have noted your suggestion and will be conveying it to the requisite team for action. Thank you for being an active SmartAPI user and highlighting issues.
    Your feedback helps us make SmartAPI better.

    Thank you.

    SmartAPI Team

  • @admin @Moderator_1 @Moderator_2 2 weeks still nothing

    doesn't work

  • @admin @Moderator_2 please provide browser based url for order update