How to get fed_token and how to use token and task and how to subscribe and unsubscribe a script?????
Can anyone please explain me what is_
FEED_TOKEN= "your feed token"
token="channel you want the information of" #"nse_cm|2885&nse_cm|1594&nse_cm|11536"
task="task" #'mw'|'sfi'|'dp'
How to get fed_token and how to use token and task and how to subscribe and unsubscribe a script????? -
Hi @rjamitsharma01 You need to find a feasible way to do it in java its a one time process let me text you in pc.
@admin is there any way to do this in java
- topic:timeago_earlier,2 months
IDE may not be showing all entries of the dataframe. If you are looking for RELAINCE-EQ then
df.loc[df['symbol'] == "RELIANCE-EQ"] token symbol name expiry strike lotsize instrumenttype exch_seg tick_size 3514 2885 RELIANCE-EQ RELIANCE -1 1 NSE 5
all entries which match RELIANCE
df.loc[df['symbol'].str.contains("RELIANCE")] token symbol name expiry strike lotsize instrumenttype exch_seg tick_size 2513 18974 RELIANCEPP-E1 RELIANCEPP -1 1 NSE 5 2578 12713 RELIANCE-BL RELIANCE -1 1 NSE 5 3280 22319 RELIANCEPP-BL RELIANCEPP -1 1 NSE 5 3514 2885 RELIANCE-EQ RELIANCE -1 1 NSE 5 11238 500325 RELIANCE RELIANCE -1 1 BSE 5 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 71420 120461 RELIANCE27MAY212540CE RELIANCE 27MAY2021 254000 250 OPTSTK NFO 5 71553 112789 RELIANCE29APR211960PE RELIANCE 29APR2021 196000 250 OPTSTK NFO 5 71559 105028 RELIANCE25MAR211980PE RELIANCE 25MAR2021 198000 250 OPTSTK NFO 5 71742 105005 RELIANCE25MAR211760CE RELIANCE 25MAR2021 176000 250 OPTSTK NFO 5 71928 112813 RELIANCE29APR212200PE RELIANCE 29APR2021 220000 250 OPTSTK NFO 5 [421 rows x 9 columns]
@rajanprabu Sir it's showing like this____
my code is____import pandas as pd df = pd.read_json('') print(df)
Hi @ashmita Please refer the following code to generate feed token
from smartapi import SmartConnectobj=SmartConnect(api_key="put your api key here")
data = obj.generateSession("put your client id here","put your passwd here")
refreshToken= data['data']['refreshToken']#fetch the feedtoken
print ("this is my feed token" ,feedToken )#fetch User Profile
userProfile= obj.getProfile(refreshToken)now you will have your feed token with you
now use below piece of code to use web socket use feed token which you will get from above code.from smartapi import WebSocket
CLIENT_CODE=""token= "nse_cm|2885&nse_cm|1594&nse_cm|11536"
task="mw" #'mw'|'sfi'|'dp'
def on_tick(ws, tick):
print("Ticks: {}".format(tick))def on_connect(ws, response):
ws.send_request(token,task)def on_close(ws, code, reason):
ws.stop()Assign the callbacks.
ss.on_ticks = on_tick
ss.on_connect = on_connect
ss.on_close = on_closess.connect( )
@ashmita_ said in How to get fed_token and how to use token and task and how to subscribe and unsubscribe a script?????:
I'm not found instrument like Reliance_EQ,
Do you converted json into csv ?
You should use RELIANCE-EQ for equity.
RELIANCE25MAR21FUT for current month contractCan you share your code, so we can help you.
possible reliance search terms
RELIANCE29APR21FUTIf one just wants to use the data they saw market API, otherwise trading API.
Hi @ashmita_ please mail us your piece of code @
@James-Bond Sir I fetched this data in a dataframe but I'm not found instrument like Reliance_EQ, Reliance_Future, Reliance_Options
And sir can you please tell me what is the difference between Trading API and Market Feeds API
when I hover the cursor on I button it's show__
Trading API:- Access full fledged APIs to execute orders i real time, manage use portfolio, stream live market data and more.
Market Feeds APIs:- Access real time market data for various stocks. -
To subscribe multiple scrips at same time, use following format:
It should be separated by &
Getting token list:
@ashmita_ said in How to get fed_token and how to use token and task and how to subscribe and unsubscribe a script?????:
Some one give me this link but it's looks messy and confusing I can't understand how can I use it sir......
@rajanprabu answered your query in above post which is easiest approach to get scrip names and token lists.
You can read them in pandas.. Its in json format
df = pd.read_json('')
Python dictionaries are hashed.. so its faster. But if you prefer csv you can convert them like the following
@James-Bond Sir can you please tell me how to get the instruments token list including F&O contract's........
I'm using python sdk....
Some one give me this link but it's looks messy and confusing I can't understand how can I use it sir......
Also how to subscribe multiple script at the same time mean token format like this
token="nse_cm|2885, token=nse_cm|5285, token=nse_cm|2521, token=nse_cm|2854" -
@ashmita_ said in How to get fed_token and how to use token and task and how to subscribe and unsubscribe a script?????:
Sir what is the meaning of task (task="mw" #'mw'|'sfi'|'dp')???
More info here:
@ashmita_ said in How to get fed_token and how to use token and task and how to subscribe and unsubscribe a script?????:
can we subscribe a script using symbol name like this "nse_cm|RELIANCE" instead of using token number like this way "nse_cm|2885" ???
No, we can't use something like nse_cm|RELIANCE. Only scrip token will be considered as acceptable value.
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@James-Bond Sir what is the meaning of task (task="mw" #'mw'|'sfi'|'dp')???
And sir can we subscribe a script using symbol name like this "nse_cm|RELIANCE" instead of using token number like this way "nse_cm|2885" ??? -
@ashmita_ said in How to get fed_token and how to use token and task and how to subscribe and unsubscribe a script?????:
FEED_TOKEN= "your feed token"
SmartAPI SDK has inbuilt method to generate feed token, so you don't have to worry about it.
You can use following code to get Feed Token and subscribe any scrip.
from smartapi import SmartConnect from smartapi import WebSocket obj=SmartConnect(api_key="your_api_key") data = obj.generateSession('client_id', 'password') feedToken=obj.getfeedToken() FEED_TOKEN= feedToken CLIENT_CODE= 'client_id' task="mw" #'mw'|'sfi'|'dp' token="nse_cm|26009" WS = WebSocket(FEED_TOKEN, CLIENT_CODE) def on_tick(ws, tick): print(tick) def on_connect(ws, response): ws.send_request(token) def on_close(ws, code, reason): ws.stop() # Assign the callbacks. WS.on_ticks = on_tick WS.on_connect = on_connect WS.on_close = on_close WS.connect()
To subscribe Reliance (NSE), first you need to find out Reliance scrip / symbol token from following JSON file.
then you need to change token in above code. In case of RELIANCE-EQ token is 2885
so change:token="nse_cm|26009"
To use above code, you need to update above code with your api key, client id and password.
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@James-Bond I'm using python SDK. Can you please tell me how to get this FEED_TOKEN= "your feed token"......./
And how to subscribe it mean, code format if we want to subscribe NSE_RELIANCE script.....