Both getPosition and getHolding API not working from java SDK
It works if i use postman to hit the endpoint, but the java call through smartapi is still broken. please take a look at this.POSTMAN call to
"status": true,
"message": "SUCCESS",
"errorcode": "",
"data": [
"symboltoken": "11006",
"symbolname": "LIQUIDBEES",
"instrumenttype": "",
"priceden": "1.00",
"pricenum": "1.00",
"genden": "1.00",
"gennum": "1.00",
"precision": "2",
"multiplier": "-1",
"boardlotsize": "1",
"exchange": "NSE",
"producttype": "DELIVERY",
"tradingsymbol": "LIQUIDBEES-EQ",
"symbolgroup": "EQ",
"strikeprice": "-1",
"optiontype": "",
"expirydate": "",
"lotsize": "1",
"cfbuyqty": "0",
"cfsellqty": "0",
"cfbuyamount": "0.00",
"cfsellamount": "0.00",
"buyavgprice": "1000.00",
"sellavgprice": "0.00",
"avgnetprice": "1000.00",
"netvalue": "-1000.00",
"netqty": "1",
"totalbuyvalue": "1000.00",
"totalsellvalue": "0.00",
"cfbuyavgprice": "0.00",
"cfsellavgprice": "0.00",
"totalbuyavgprice": "1000.00",
"totalsellavgprice": "0.00",
"netprice": "1000.00",
"buyqty": "1",
"sellqty": "0",
"buyamount": "1000.00",
"sellamount": "0.00",
"pnl": "-0.01",
"realised": "-0.00",
"unrealised": "-0.01",
"ltp": "999.99",
"close": "999.99"
JSONObject["data"] is not a JSONObject.
2021-06-28 10:52:59.540 INFO 31972 --- [pool-3-thread-1] : get position: null
JSONObject["data"] is not a JSONArray.
2021-06-28 10:52:59.674 INFO 31972 --- [pool-3-thread-1] : get holding: null -
@admin i picked up the latest code and still it doesn't work! Please address this on priority since it impacts my work.
I know it is latest code because i needed to refactor the ticker code (removed OnDisconnect()) that was edited.
JSONObject["data"] is not a JSONObject.
2021-06-27 17:58:35.399 INFO 11972 --- [pool-3-thread-1] : get position: null
JSONObject["data"] is not a JSONArray.
2021-06-27 17:58:35.455 INFO 11972 --- [pool-3-thread-1] : get holding: null -
HI @vvbchandrasekhar update the jar files to get latest code.
hi @vvbchandrasekhar This has been already resolved.
HI @vvbchandrasekhar we will update you on this issue soon.
@admin said in Both getPosition and getHolding API not working from java SDK:
Hi @vvbchandrasekhar we have noticed this we will revert you back.
Hi @admin This is really important for my program to run. without this, I am considering other providers. please provide an ETA for this fix.
@admin any update please? I have been waiting for a while for these API's
- topic:timeago_earlier,9 days
@admin any update folks?
- topic:timeago_earlier,19 days
Hi @vvbchandrasekhar we have noticed this we will revert you back.