WebSocket functionality issue

  • Hi All,
    I am using below code to get bid/ask volume.

    • from smartapi import SmartConnect
      #from smartapi import WebSocket
      from smartapi import SmartWebSocket

    data = obj.generateSession(clientId, password)

    ''' SBIN'''
    task="dp" #'mw'|'sfi'|'dp'
    ws = SmartWebSocket(FEED_TOKEN, clientId)

    def on_tick(ws, tick):
    for i in tick:
    if 'tbq' in i.keys():

    def on_connect(ws, response):

    def on_close(ws):

    ws.on_ticks = on_tick
    ws.on_connect = on_connect
    ws.on_close = on_close



    1. While importing lib, from smartapi import WebSocket facing (C:\Users\kamal\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\smartapi_init_.py) error. Tried from smartapi import SmartWebSocket & it is working fine
    2. Ticker is not giving task 'dp', instead looping the task 'hb'.

    {'task': 'cn', 'channel': 'NONLM', 'token': 'XXXXXX', 'user': 'XXXXXX', 'acctid': 'XXXXXX'}
    2021-06-21 17:18:04.942797 : Start task in the background
    {'task': 'hb', 'channel': '', 'token': 'XXXXXX', 'user': 'XXXXXX', 'acctid': 'XXXXXX'}
    2021-06-21 17:18:34.953644 : Start task in the background
    {'task': 'hb', 'channel': '', 'token': 'XXXXXX', 'user': 'XXXXXX', 'acctid': 'XXXXXX'}
    2021-06-21 17:19:04.957672 : Start task in the background
    {'task': 'hb', 'channel': '', 'token': 'XXXXXX', 'user': 'XXXXXX', 'acctid': 'XXXXXX'}
    {'task': 'hb', 'channel': '', 'token': '0999895434', 'user': 'V183756', 'acctid': 'V183756'}
    HeartBeat Sending Failed --> this is in loop after stopping manually.

    1. I had to stop manually, tried but service running in background not able to stop.

    I just need market depth, can someone help me/correct my code?

  • HI @sapravi6 said in WebSocket functionality issue:

    @admin is your websocket got updated ?

    We dont have any update on this our team is working on this.

  • @admin is your websocket got updated ?

  • HI @Kamal Currenlty we are working on websocket once fixed we will update you.

  • @admin

    Thanks for the response,

    I used same code for getting market depth. Total buy/sell volume. As per Official documentation says, "tbq/tsq" gives the numbers. But not present in API response.

    32 tbq Total buy quantity
    33 tsq Total sell quantity


    Sample Output:
    Ticks: [{'bno': '5', 'bno1': '14', 'bno2': '29', 'bno3': '26', 'bno4': '40', 'bp': '430.40', 'bp1': '430.35', 'bp2': '430.30', 'bp3': '430.25', 'bp4': '430.20', 'bq': '2778', 'bq1': '6556', 'bq2': '15776', 'bq3': '8624', 'bq4': '17065', 'bs': '450', 'bs1': '2518', 'bs2': '13472', 'bs3': '5992', 'bs4': '8936', 'e': 'nse_cm', 'name': 'dp', 'sno': '1', 'sno1': '16', 'sno2': '34', 'sno3': '23', 'sno4': '43', 'sp': '430.50', 'sp1': '430.55', 'sp2': '430.60', 'sp3': '430.65', 'sp4': '430.70', 'tk': '3045'}]

    I am trying to get "bid/ask" volume along with LTP, any alternate?

    Thanks in advance,

  • @admin

    Could you help or can you share working code including packages along with versions

  • @Kamal

    I faced the same issue today. Its frustrating that HB issues still not resolved.

  • @rajanprabu Thanks for your response


  • @Kamal

    Which SDK version are you using ??