Websocket Streaming - Total Open interest on Options not coming

  • I have tried to get nse_fo data via websocket. message from server does not include total open interest (toi).
    @admin, please check and confirm how to get open interest data for nse options?

    Sample response received for token="nse_fo|39975" given below,

    Ticks: [{'ap': '78.09', 'bp': '73.05', 'bq': '225', 'bs': '150', 'c': '69.80', 'cng': '03.35', 'e': 'nse_fo', 'lo': '56.40', 'ltp': '73.15', 'ltq': '150', 'ltt': '21/12/2020 12:20:57', 'name': 'sf', 'nc': '04.80', 'sp': '73.30', 'tbq': '339300', 'tk': '39975', 'to': '2232628240.50', 'tsq': '611025', 'v': '28590450'}]

    Ticks: [{'ap': '78.09', 'bp': '73.15', 'bq': '300', 'bs': '75', 'c': '69.80', 'cng': '03.55', 'e': 'nse_fo', 'lo': '56.40', 'ltp': '73.35', 'ltq': '75', 'ltt': '21/12/2020 12:20:58', 'name': 'sf', 'nc': '05.09', 'sp': '73.40', 'tbq': '342525', 'tk': '39975', 'to': '2232634097.25', 'tsq': '610875', 'v': '28590525'}]

  • @kripabhat @admin please confirm on the total open interest data(toi) on futures/options?