@admin What will be the new login process after the revamp. reason for asking is that, we donot want another surprise like websocket migration :(

Best posts made by Ashok
RE: Important Announcement: Change in Angel One Login Policy
RE: WebSocket streaming did not work the whole day today. However, I'm able to fetch LTP data using ltpData method. Was something wrong with streaming today?
@projectSB Neither no one is liable if V1 fails in between a trade right :).
Looks like there is no active support/budget for API from AB and I have seen for public contribution for code changes. unfortunately it is what it is. -
RE: FINNIFTY token not available
@whemant do you mean these ??
# instrument_token, exchange_token, tradingsymbol, name, last_price, expiry, strike, tick_size, lot_size, instrument_type, segment, exchange 39426, , FINNIFTY03JAN2321600CE, FINNIFTY, 0, 2023-01-03, 21600, 5, 40, OPTIDX, NFO, NSE 84191, , FINNIFTY27DEC2214900CE, FINNIFTY, 0, 2022-12-27, 14900, 5, 40, OPTIDX, NFO, NSE 44476, , FINNIFTY13DEC2218300CE, FINNIFTY, 0, 2022-12-13, 18300, 5, 40, OPTIDX, NFO, NSE 46389, , FINNIFTY20DEC2220150PE, FINNIFTY, 0, 2022-12-20, 20150, 5, 40, OPTIDX, NFO, NSE 40024, , FINNIFTY06DEC2217000PE, FINNIFTY, 0, 2022-12-06, 17000, 5, 40, OPTIDX, NFO, NSE 44455, , FINNIFTY13DEC2217800PE, FINNIFTY, 0, 2022-12-13, 17800, 5, 40, OPTIDX, NFO, NSE 84187, , FINNIFTY27DEC2214700CE, FINNIFTY, 0, 2022-12-27, 14700, 5, 40, OPTIDX, NFO, NSE 39827, , FINNIFTY29NOV2218900CE, FINNIFTY, 0, 2022-11-29, 18900, 5, 40, OPTIDX, NFO, NSE 84324, , FINNIFTY27DEC2221000PE, FINNIFTY, 0, 2022-12-27, 21000, 5, 40, OPTIDX, NFO, NSE 44321, , FINNIFTY13DEC2214200CE, FINNIFTY, 0, 2022-12-13, 14200, 5, 40, OPTIDX, NFO, NSE
RE: Guide to secure your SmartAPI Account with two factor authentication
@milind017 @aj_Brk why retry, it passed almost always on first time. Anyway. Not sure why parse_uri is needed.. also just pass totp as a string
RE: User Feedback - WebSocket 2.0 Beta Rollout – Python Language
@vrkhyd It looks like heartbeat message. you can ignore it.