In getLtp: params:
In getLtp: response:
{"data":null,"message":"Failed to get symbol details","errorcode":"AB1018","status":false}
In getLtp: params:
In getLtp: response:
{"data":null,"message":"Failed to get symbol details","errorcode":"AB1018","status":false}
@admin @administrators I am getting "User Is Blocked" error when i login using smartAPI request, My userID is P252033
Below is the json response
{"data":null,"message":"User Is Blocked","errorcode":"AB1007","status":false}
Can you please help fix and migrate my account.
@admin Unable to place the stoploss SL-M BUY order
There is an active SELL position, and placing SL-M order is returning null order id
The payload for placing SL-M order is
"exchange": "MCX",
"transactiontype": "BUY",
"quantity": 7500,
"price": 0.0,
"producttype": "INTRADAY",
"ordertype": "SL-M",
"duration": "DAY",
"variety": "STOPLOSS",
"tradingsymbol": "NATURALGAS21JULFUT",
"triggerprice": "263.99999392032623",
"symboltoken": "229392"
@admin Can you please help clarify few details related to ROBO orders
In above example order, "stoploss":"6" and "quantity":"1", are these values tick counts ?
For ROBO order can i specify ordertype as MARKET ?
Is ROBO order supported for MCX futures e.g. CRUDEOIL21JULFUT ?
Is there anything specific type of trades for which ROBO is not supported?
In java smartapi client, i dont see these constants defined in for variety = ROBO
and producttype=BO
Hi, I am unable to login to smartapi login , by userid is P252033
I can directly login to smart api login page, but when i am redirected from nextlevelbot connect, i am unable to login

@admin Can you please share the sample payload to place BO order,
I cannot find it in the smartapi docs.
@admin Can you also please provide the order status list to me, or just reply to post so other can also benefit from it
@admin I am able to login using SmartApi , Thanks a lot.
I am facing the following error:-
"The Response Content b'{"data":null,"message":"YOUR USER ID OR PASSWORD IS INVALID","errorcode":"AB1007","status":false}'"
@admin Please migrate my account .CLIENT CODE: P252033