@rajanprabu - Will you care to explain please. How do you identify if an order will execute further or not in case of partial execution (assume trading with low volume stocks) @admin
Posts made by ronak
RE: order book API response vs purchase API
RE: order book API response vs purchase API
@admin - let me know an accurate method to identify if an order will further execute or not
RE: order book API response vs purchase API
@admin I am placing order and then looking at trade book API to find the fillsize of all with same order ID. But I am not able to make a call if an order if completely executed or not in case of partial execution. I am currently waiting for 15sec before checking the trading book.
I am sure there will be a ttl (time to live) will when a purchase order can get executed as no one can wait for long for an order to finalize.
Also is there a way to set a timer within which order has to execute after placing
RE: order book API response vs purchase API
@admin - After placing a Delivery order at latest market price, how long (max) do we need to wait before the order gets executed completely?
I need to know when the order is fully or partially executed and there going to be no further partial execution using the trade book API. Please guide me the best way. Is there a order Time to LIVE ?
RE: order book API response vs purchase API
Response from the Purchase oder API while SELLING: {'status': True, 'message': 'SUCCESS', 'errorcode': '', 'data': {'script': 'PIONDIST', 'orderid': '210709000367264'}}Order book API ---
{'exchange': 'BSE', 'producttype': 'DELIVERY', 'tradingsymbol': 'PIONDIST', 'instrumenttype': '', 'symbolgroup': 'B', 'strikeprice': -1.0, 'optiontype': '', 'expirydate': '', 'marketlot': '1', 'precision': '2', 'multiplier': '-1', 'tradevalue': 131.0, 'transactiontype': 'SELL', 'fillprice': 131.0, 'fillsize': '1', 'orderid': '210709000367264', 'fillid': '20255800', 'filltime': '11:20:06'}, {'exchange': 'BSE', 'producttype': 'DELIVERY', 'tradingsymbol': 'PIONDIST', 'instrumenttype': '', 'symbolgroup': 'B', 'strikeprice': -1.0, 'optiontype': '', 'expirydate': '', 'marketlot': '1', 'precision': '2', 'multiplier': '-1', 'tradevalue': 262.1, 'transactiontype': 'SELL', 'fillprice': 131.05, 'fillsize': '2', 'orderid': '210709000367264', 'fillid': '20255300', 'filltime': '11:20:06'}, {'exchange': 'BSE', 'producttype': 'DELIVERY', 'tradingsymbol': 'PIONDIST', 'instrumenttype': '', 'symbolgroup': 'B', 'strikeprice': -1.0, 'optiontype': '', 'expirydate': '', 'marketlot': '1', 'precision': '2', 'multiplier': '-1', 'tradevalue': 262.0, 'transactiontype': 'SELL', 'fillprice': 131.0, 'fillsize': '2', 'orderid': '210709000367264', 'fillid': '20255600', 'filltime': '11:20:06'}, {'exchange': 'BSE', 'producttype': 'DELIVERY', 'tradingsymbol': 'PIONDIST', 'instrumenttype': '', 'symbolgroup': 'B', 'strikeprice': -1.0, 'optiontype': '', 'expirydate': '', 'marketlot': '1', 'precision': '2', 'multiplier': '-1', 'tradevalue': 1310.0, 'transactiontype': 'SELL', 'fillprice': 131.0, 'fillsize': '10', 'orderid': '210709000367264', 'fillid': '20255500', 'filltime': '11:20:06'},As you can see , why there are multiple record in the order book for same purchase? Also, for any purchase order ID, does the order ID remain same for all partial execution (as above)
RE: order book API response vs purchase API
@admin I am aware of that. Question is - How to identify all the orderIDs in orderbook() related to a purchase orderID. Because I am seeing multiple orderID in orderbook() for one purchase made by me. This may be due to partial execution of a buy/sell order creating multiple orderIDs in orderbook().
Please read carefully and provide a detail answer.
order book API response vs purchase API
Using order book API how to identify all the order IDs related to the order ID placed using purchase API order ID. I am getting multiple partial oder IDs in the order book API related to a single purchase order place. How to I identify all related to one purchase order placed
RE: How to get if Order is rejected
@admin - Can order book return :
- status of a specific order ID
- How to check for an order placed historically , may be few days back This could be a market order or a LIMIT order.
- How do I get to know the rejection reason of a purchase order if rejection is during execution and not during placing the purchase order.
RE: Order Rejection API Response
@admin Even in the order book, Get trade book API only returns the succesful orders ad not the one rejected. How to get rejected or orders places with LIMIT which might not be fully executed so far ??
How to get if Order is rejected
Purchase API response doesnt include details if an order is rejected while executing and its reason for rejection. This is needed to better handle the response flow in my code.
sample response for a rejected offer:
{"status":true,"message":"SUCCESS","errorcode":"","data":{"script":"ITC-EQ","orderid":"210619000005957"}}Is there any other API apart from place order , which can be used to know the immediate status of an order ID ??
RE: Buy Limit orders with trigger
Do we have a final solution for this? I want to buy with LIMIT but looks like its buying at market price instead. How to set a lower buy limit ?
my code: "{\n"exchange":"NSE",\n"symboltoken":1660,\n"tradingsymbol":"ITC-EQ",\n"duration":"DAY",\n"quantity":1,\n"disclosedquantity":1,\n"triggerprice":200,\n"transactiontype":"BUY",\n"ordertype":"LIMIT",\n"variety":"NORMAL",\n"producttype":"DELIVERY"\n}"