Data Feed for Best Bid Ask Prices
Can anyone please direct me to the documentation related to data feed in of best bid offer prices?
Many Thanks in Advance.
Hi @Cyriac YOu need to perform operation on the response that has been returned from the websocket.You need to write your own piece of code to do this.
Hi @admin
Small Question. How can I read in the API Websocket Data for just the parameters I would like. I am trying to get the LTP, LTQ, Bid & Ask with time stamp into json / csv format file?
Much Appreciated the Help.
- topic:timeago_earlier,14 days
Hi @Cyriac said in Data Feed for Best Bid Ask Prices:
Is it possible to run more than one concurrent instance in a Jupyter browser setting?
You need to test this from your end.@Cyriac said in Data Feed for Best Bid Ask Prices:
Will API Key support more than one Algo to run at the same time?
yes it will support
@admin Many Thanks.
Also - Is it possible to run more than one concurrent instance in a Jupyter browser setting? I.E. Will API Key support more than one Algo to run at the same time?
Hi @Cyriac Please go through doc below: